
Becca Hermes



Hump Day

  What I Want to Write Today Something beautiful And poetic Something whimsical And pretty Something fluttery And happy Something to raise my mood And lighten my heart (And something Chocolatey would be nice too) Because life is hard The... Continue Reading →

The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in the woods across the parking lot.  When I need a moment to breathe, I swivel my office chair and look out the window.  One rainy day a couple of weeks ago, I was... Continue Reading →

Unexpected Holidays

Today is a snow day.  I slept in, had homemade bread with butter and jelly for breakfast (thanks, Christy!), and am currently drinking hot chocolate out of my favorite "Aunt Becca" mug while I sit in front of a crackling fire... Continue Reading →

Soul Pirouettes

Have you ever felt like the glorious truth about who God is and how He loves you makes your soul do pirouettes?  I love that feeling.  Not being a dancer myself, I think my soul pirouette may look more like... Continue Reading →


As I sit here, outside at RTS in Orlando, a thunderstorm is finishing up rolling through.  The sky is brightening, the frogs are croaking, and the tropical vegetation looks lush and green.  It's a good day to be alive.  The... Continue Reading →

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